What can we do with the EndoscopeManager.com platform?

How to manage the Measurement Data

EndoscopeManager.com is used to ADD endoscopes and store their measuring results in the Cloud for world wide reference.
Once an endoscope is added by an organisation and owner of a ScopeControl through EndoscopeManager.com, it will automatically be visible in the ScopeControl user interface (via Touch Screen).
When the newly added endocope is visible, it can be selected and tested according to the standard procedure in the ScopeControl manual.
When the test is finished, the results of 6 parameters will be sent to the cloud platform and can be observed and managed from there.
Images of the lenses and sphere are taken during the test, which will also be availble and can be analyzed to determine what to do with it.
Information, test data and lens shots are combined in the Test Report which is generated by the user.
In Endoscopemanager.com details of updates are presented online in a public Changelog page.