QMS Corrective Actions and Improvements
1. Log in to your ISMS.online account. Hover over "Work" to open the Dropdown Menu.
2. Hover over "QMS (ISO 9001)" and Click "QMS Corrective Actions and Improvements"
3. You will then see the "QMS Corrective Actions and Improvements" view where you can move around different Items depending on the stage they are in. To create a new item Click "+ New Item".
4. Here you can enter an item name, then Click "Add Item".
5. To open the Item you just created you either have to Click "View Item" or Click the name of the item.
6. This is the Item Environment where everything related to the given non-conformity can be added - Notes, Related Documents, Assignee, Status of the item, Due date, Type, Origin, nonconformity output, Delete Item/Archive Item, you can also assign to-do tasks within a given item as well as create a discussion related to that item as well as see history of all updates done within this environment.
Do not forget to Click "Save" after editing each aspect
7. First thing that needs to be done is assign the Item, Determine status and set a Due date. Following is determining the "type", "origin" as well as "nonconformity output", the latter can have more than one outputs.
8. Now you have created an Item, Click "Overview" to go back
9. To close an item Drag & Drop the item to the "Resolved" Column. You will then be met with a prompt asking to choose an outcome, choose whatever is most relevant to the case. Once you choose an outcome Click "Add outcome".
10. To Close Resolved Items Click "Archive". Once that is done, the item will disappear from "Resolved" and will be moved to "Archive", where it can be checked and "Re-opened" if corrections are needed.