FAQ LeakControl

Questions we get asked often regarding LeakControl

Why would I do a leaktest?

Here's a whitepaper explaining the importance of doing leaktests.

Our automatic endoscope washer already does a leak test, why choose LeakControl?

Your endoscope washer usually does a test when corroding chemicals are inserted into your endoscope. That means chemical liquids are penetrating a small hole, which potentially makes the problem worse. If a leak is found, you've lost €10 due to a stopped process. And you've done your manual pre-cleaning for nothing. A leak in your automatic washer means a chance of cross-infection, so you'll have to clean your washer because it has come into contact with human tissue. That costs you an extra 20 minutes alone.

We test manually. We have a standardised process. Why work with this?

Your process may be standardized, but it always varies from one colleague to another. LeakControl makes sure everyone works the same. Generally, a person finds leaks with a hysteresis of 10%. LeakControl alarms at 4%. LeakControl sees leaks more than twice as early, saving you an average of €100,000 in major repair s. You don't have to change anything, except change your manometer for LeakControl. 
Here's a quick reference guide how to incorporate LeakControl in your existing process.

We do the leak test in a water bath. Does it work with LeakControl?

Nice! LeakControl can do that too! You won't need extra time to do this test. It replaces the leaktest you were already doing manually. What's more, you can continue to do everything you've always done (go wag that tail). Your test will be much more accurate, repeatable and reliable. Here's a guide to the procedure.

We already have a leaktester from our manufacturer. Why buy LeakControl?

Most important: If LeakControl finds a leak, it will keep pressurizing your endoscope, so no liquid gets to the most expensive parts, saving you very expensive repairs. Is that something your OEM's device does? We don't think so!
OEM leak testers tend to be loud and not as accurate as ours. You will find leaks much faster and earlier with LeakControl. 

How much money does this actually save?

LeakControl has been sold in over 100 hospitals across the Benelux and Denmark. On average, a regional hospitals saves € 100.000,-, because they hardly have major repairs anymore.

Here's Gelre Hospital about their LeakControlDo you now understand why you hadn't heard of us before?

I love your website, but do you have a brochure?

Yes, LeakControl flyer is here.