Failed Test: Oops.. Result not received from server

An error that can occur when testing an endoscope due to communication problems with the EndoscopeManager platform

The Affect

The "Oops... Results not received from server" error occurs when the internet connection between the LightControl and EndoscopeManager is unable to successfully communicate the test results.

In order to start a test the LightControl established a connection with the EndoscopeManager during startup. If this connection is not made the DoviCircle will remain white. In case the internet connection is disrupted before the test begins the DoviCircle will turn white again. This will prevent a test from starting. Knowing that the LightControl was able to connect to the EndoscopeManager to start the test; the following causes may be responsible for this error.

How to Resolve the Cause

Because it is a communication issue with the EndoscopeManager platform this error has multiple possible causes:

  1. When the cause is on the client-side (the LightControl)
    1. The connection to the local network was disrupted, because of a bad Ethernet cable or port
    2. Too much information is send, either too many or too large images which will not be accepted by EndoscopeManager
  2. When the cause is transportation
    1. The connection to the internet was disrupted during the test, because of a change in the network
    1. Time Out due to a low bandwidth internet connection; If the data can not be sent within a certain time window the transfer will be aborted
  1. When the cause is on the server-side (the EndoscopeManager platform)
    1. EndoscopeManager service Time Out
    2. The LightControl has no calibration value in EndoscopeManager application
    3. Malfunction of the EndoscopeManager application

The possible causes can be reduced if the device has successfully completed a test prior and nothing has changed to the setup including it's network connection. Possible causes can be the EndoscopeManager platform or the test data itself.